Holy Smokes the whole month of November passed and I didn't even blog anything. Ok, so I'll play the catch up game. First...the best news of all....
He has finished and will receive his bachelors in history. He will take the Praxis to get his teaching certificate and be able to be a teacher. Although, I think he's deciding that the book business is doing well enough that he is planning on staying with that until we can't survive from that alone. I am hoping that will be never because I love having him home. Right now he is the only one home. I started working seasonally in October. I work Hickory Farms every year for the past 11 years. I love it and it gives me a break from home life.
So for Thanksgiving all of the Kiester family came over to our house. Most of the food was brought, and all I had to worry about was making sure the house was clean (which is a chore in itself, but a much better one than cooking). It was nice to just be in our own home and have everyone over. We played some games and just enjoyed each others company. What a wonderful way to spend the holidays!

And of course after Thanksgiving comes Christmas. Jeremy made me wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up the tree. I was so excited this year to get it up but he had to hold me back. Finally it's up and looks great!

Daisha and Tucker are both loving school and the activities that keep them busy. They recently had their Christmas music concerts. Daisha did a wonderful job and looked beautiful. Tucker on the other hand didn't want to attend his. I think he was preoccupied with his birthday celebrations. With the headache of just getting off work and to be there in time and to have everything ready for the birthday party I didn't fight him on it. He just skipped it. Boys want to miss things like that and girls wouldn't miss it for the world.

Happy 6th Birthday Tucker. For those of you who don't know or don't remember...6 years ago December 6th Tucker was born dead and with blood transfusions and lots of special attention was brought back to life to be a very important member of our family. We are so happy to have him in our lives. He truly is a special spirit.

Also, I must remind the family also 6 years ago December 6th was the first time Laurie was ejected from her basketball game, making Jason's record 1-0 as a varsity coach. :) 6 years later on the same day, Laurie had a game and we are proud to report...not ejections. :) Sorry Laurie, 6 years ago it was kind of the highlight of my some what depressing day. :)
One day the kids were being awfully quiet I thought it was a little suspicous. After looking all over the house for them I found them here. It took me so long to find them because I thought Bradley was sleeping so I didn't even look in his room. Guess he wasn't sleeping.

My mom's birthday is Dec 17th and this year she turned 50 so my dad put together a fabulous day for her. She spent the day with dad until evening time, then we all joined them. They took the entire family out for dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. Everyone enjoyed the seafood, except Bryton and I. We had chicken. :) But then everyone came to our house and Sheree had decorated with black balloons and over the hill decorations. We had brownies, pastry perfection cookies, and baskin robbins chocolate peanut butter ice cream. (all my mom's requests)

And then since we had everyone together. We got a picture of the whole family. I can't believe it. And it turned out pretty good I think!

Today was a fun day. We had a lot of goofing off and just enjoying each other's company. This is Tucker and Bryton with their "gangster" look. Tucker is just so innocent. He tried so hard to look mean, it's just not in his blood. Bryton on the other hand...everyone better watch out! He will take you out!

Jeremy took me shopping today. He knew what he wanted to buy me for Christmas but he wanted to make sure everything was the right sizes. He bought me this awesome Boise State outfit. Then I convinced him that I needed to have it early because Boise State's bowl game is coming up and I need something to wear. :) He gave in and let me have it. Isn't he the best. Merry Christmas to me!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!