Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just playing around

So my sister called me to inform me that it's been almost another 2 weeks since I have posted again. So here goes nothin'.
I have been trying to take more pictures than I had been. Even if it's just of the kids saying "take a picture of me mom". So I will share some of those with you.

This is one of those "take my picture mom" moments. Bryton is definately not camera shy.

Jeremy gave Jillian an oreo cookie to occupy herself with while we tried to get some work done.

We upgraded Jillian to the booster chair from the highchair. She loved it! I don't like it so get out she crawls up on the table and if there is any kind of food left on the table she has made a mess. We use to use the highchair as a part time babysitter. Just give her food and she was trapped for a while. Not now.

Help yourselves to the breadsticks kids. :)

My little helper...I'm not sure if she wanted to help or if she wanted to be washed. :)

Well now that I look at the pictures I have taken lately I must be more snap happy during the day when Daisha and Tucker are at school. Wow! Oh well, at least I have some pictures to share.

Well, there you have it. A post. It's not much sorry. I have been working so much and being 23 1/2 weeks pregnant now I am just worn out all the time. I know stop with the excuses. Until next time...

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Thank you for the post. I love to see the pics and read the newest news, even though we talk often. I love you guys!!! -Yvonne