Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sorry, I guess I should have posted sooner... So the update is....no baby yet.

Ok, so Sunday I was having steady contractions and Jeremy kept telling me that I needed to call the doctor's office to see if I should go into the hospital or not. I didn't think I needed to, so I ignored him. Then my mother in law came over and she was worried about me and before she left she made me promise I would at least call the doctor's office Monday morning. I said I would. Well then all of a sudden I thought I should call my mom and make sure she goes to bed kind of early incase this baby is coming in the middle of the night. She then went on to tell me I should call the doctor's office. She was concerned because it was a little early for me to be in labor.

Finally I called the doctor's office...guess I just had to hear it from my mom to get it through my head. Calling the doctor's office got me to I'm not sure who...but he gave me a direct number for the doctor that was on call that evening. I called him and he asked me if I was planning on going straight to c-section that I shouldn't be laboring much and I should go into the hopsital and have them check me and then go from there. So I called my mom back and that's what we did. My dad stayed home with the kids who were all already sleeping while my mom drove Jeremy and I to the hospital.

At the hospital they hooked me up to the machines, monitered the baby, made me drink lots of water to make sure my contractions were not being caused by dehydration, and checked to see if I was dialated. I was dialated to a 2 1/2 at that point. After all the tests and the contractions were because I was in labor they decided to give me some shots to slow down my contractions. Boy did those shots hurt. I don't know what's wrong with me but the shots hurt worse than the contractions. LOL They gave me the shot every 20 minutes, 3 times total. The first and second shots didn't help AT ALL, in fact I think they made the contractions more intense. But then the third time it felt like they slowed down. Then they checked me again and I was "about the same" still dialated to a 2 1/2 so they decided to give me a pill to make me relax. I don't remember what they called it, but it must have helped because they sent me home and I slept like a baby. When they sent me home they told me no lifting, no exercise, and just take it easy. HAAA...with 4 kids not possible, but I feel like I have been doing a pretty good job so far with that, considering what I do on a daily basis. And Jeremy has really had to step up and he's done a great job.

The reason they didn't want to go ahead with the procedure is because I was only 36 weeks and 2 days and they want the baby to have a little more time to make sure he is fully developed. Which I guess is ok. It's better for the baby that way so I guess that's what's best. Even if I am ready to be finished with this pregnancy. The joys of motherhood. :)

So I called the doctor's office Monday morning and they told me to keep my already scheduled appointment for Monday the 21st and we'll go from there. So that is where we are at right now. Since going to the hospital on Sunday I have had a few contractions but nothing regular or of much strength. So looks like baby is following doctor's orders. I'll keep everyone posted as best I can on everything.

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