Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Erase it all!

Today was one of those days I wish I could just erase. I tried to work on scrapbooking and doing pictures. UGG! My computer froze up about 10 times then the printer froze and it was all locked up for about 3 hours. Finally I got it all back up and running. And then all the prints came out WAY dark. They look yuck! UGG!

So being the frustrated photographer I took it out on my family. The poor children didn't get dinner. I ended up putting my head set on to listen to music and just sat at my desk and cried. I was so frustrated with the stupid computer. Then Daisha came in....really. She asked me why I was crying and I didn't have a good reason. She made me feel guilty. So I looked at the clock. It was already bed time. So I decided the least I could do was tuck the poor children in bed and kiss them goodnight. So that's just what I did. Then I came to the realization that I better just enjoy the children while I have them. They are what's important. Tomorrow is a new day!

1 comment:

Teri said...

we all have those days! Atleast you kissed em and sent them to bed knowing their mom loves them.
And I need to remember to enjoy them while they are little too. It is hard when we get so "in to" whatever we are doing, we forget to enjoy the moment.
You are great!